These biomes are further populated by trees, plants, lakes, lava pits, and passive creatures such as sheep, cows, wolves, and birds. The world is a three-dimensional environment predominantly comprised of textured cubes forming grasslands, mountains, oceans, deserts, and swamps collectively referred to as biomes. The game is divided between Survival Mode and Creative, both of which can be accessed in either single player or LAN/internet multiplayer, with an additional hardcore mode for those unconcerned with losing every iota of progress over a minor mistake. Minecraft, at its core, requires absolutely nothing of its players. There are game studios with budgets so large they could create a realistic shooter by actually funding their own war, and they can't even come close to the success one person has engineered out of virtually nothing. Hundreds of devoted blogs, thousands of YouTube videos and a community that hangs on every minor update.

Four million sales, and over ten million registered gamers. It's not hard to see why: Minecraft is the ultimate indie success story. Such is the cult of Markus "Notch" Persson, a team of loyal hardcore fans who worship the ground Mojang's lead developer and Minecraft creator walks on. Even given the location, it's hard to imagine all of them were insane. The imaginatively titled MineCon event sold out, drawing over four thousand attendees. Something curious occurred a little over a week ago in Las Vegas.Ī number of wide-eyed, long-limbed, sunlight-dodging Java developers from Sweden hired out a convention centre, and asked if anyone wouldn't mind meeting up to talk about a digital mining simulator in beta development. BLOCKED: Minecraft has been available to the public in various alpha and beta builds since 2009, however this month sees a full, 1.0 retail release.